具体问题:安装quartus ii 11.0软件后,经过破解器生成license.dat文件后,实际建立工程后,编译综合工程的时候会出现license.dat文件与芯片不匹配的问题,具体细节描述如下:
Warning: FLEXlm software error: Invalid (inconsistent) license key. The license key and data for the feature do not match. This usually happens when a license file has been altered. Feature: quartus License path: C:\altera\license.dat; FLEXnet Licensing error:-8,523 For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation, available at www.acresso.com.
Error: Current license file does not support the EP2C8Q208C8 device
在运行破解器生成license.dat文件后,用记事本格式打开license.dat文件,将里面host ID后面的XXXXXXXXXXXX改成你电脑的网卡号,注意license.dat文件中存在两个host ID号。其实打开已安装好的
quartus ii 11.0软件后,选择tools->License Setup窗口,可以找到两个NIC ID号,刚好按先后顺序填写入license.dat文件中的两个host ID,就可以了。